Seminare. Learned Investigations is a periodical published annually by The Francis de Sales Scientific Society (TNFS). The periodical is divided into four sections: theological, philosophical, historical, and socio-pedagogical. All articles are published in Polish, but they include summaries in English, Italian, French, and German. Seminare is a periodical in which members of the TNFS publish their scientific projects and is also widely open to other scholars; both religious and secular.

Seminare was first published in 1975. Scientific materials published in the periodical are in the form of articles, reviews, and reports. As from the 2003 issue an expert in the field will review every article before it is published.

The periodical is accessible in many libraries in Poland and in a few places abroad. In Poland it is available at the National Library of Poland, at all state university libraries and libraries of many diocesan and religious seminaries. It is also available abroad at the library of Universita Pontificia Salesiana in Rome, Italy and the library of Philosophisch - Theologische Hochschule in Benediktbeuern, Germany.